Friday, May 27, 2011

Benefits and Medicinal Ants Nest

Ants Nest has been empirically proven to healing a variety of mild and severe disease, like cancer and tumors, gout, coronary heart disease, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, migraine, arthritis and leukemia. Regarding the mechanism of the active compound content of ant nests in treating these diseases is still necessary to conduct further research. Some diseases can be cured and the possibility of active compounds that contribute to conquer the disease is explained as follows.

The types of cancer and tumors, both benign or malignant, which can be cured with Ants Nest is a brain cancer, nasal cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer, and cancer blood (leukemia), except the throat and oral cavity cancer.

Ants Nest ability empirically for the treatment of various types of cancer / tumor is allegedly related to the content of flavonoids. There are several mechanisms of flavonoid in combating tumors / cancer, for example inactivation of carcinogens, antiproliferasi, inhibition of cell cycle, induction of apoptosis and differentiation, angiogenesis inhibition, and reversal of multi-drug resistance or a combination of these mechanisms.

Until now the mechanism is unclear, but the ability of ant nests for the treatment of various diseases / disorders of heart had something to do with multi-mineral content of ant nests, particularly calcium and potassium.

Treatment of stroke is strongly associated with the possibility of multi-mineral content contained in ant nests.

4. Hemorrhoid (hemorrhoids)
Ants Nest ability to hemorrhoid treatment (hemorrhoids) associated with the content of flavonoids and taninnya high. Both groups of this compound in some studies it has been proven to treat hemorrhoids.

5. Lumps IN BREAST
The meaning of lumps in the breast is not a tumor swelling (non-neoplasm). Allegedly healing mechanism similar to the cases of tumors and cancer, by relying on the ability of flavonoid contained in the ant nest.

Mechanism of treatment of renal dysfunction and prostate probably something to do with the content of antioxidants (flavonoids and tocopherol) and multi-minerals that exist in ant nests.

7. Menstruation and vaginal discharge
The process of treatment for vaginal discharge and menstruation launch something to do with the content of flavonoids, tannins, and multi-minerals, especially calcium and zinc.

8. Blood circulation
High antioxidant content (tocopherol and flavonoids) and multi-minerals contained in the nest has an important role in blood circulation.

9. Migraine (headaches)
For the treatment of migraine associated with flavonoid function and multi-minerals in ant nests, particularly calcium, sodium, and magnesium.

Treatment of tuberculosis associated with the role of flavonoids contained in the ant nest that serves as an antiviral.

11. Rheumatic (arthritic)
This is related to the ability of flavonoids as inhibitors of xanthine oxidase and antioxidant enzymes as well as tocopherol as an antioxidant and multi-minerals contained in the ant nest.

12. ALLERGIC NASAL DISORDERS, nosebleeds, sneezing
The compounds responsible for this disorder are antioxidants (tocopherol and flavonoids) and tannins.

13. Heartburn
As with tuberculosis, which plays a role in ulcer treatment are flavonoids contained in the ant nest as an antibacterial.

Fakta Terselubung Tentang JAV (Japan Adult Video)

inilah beberapa alasan Negeri Sakura itu melegalkan JAV
Sex di Jepang sudah bukan hal yang tabu bagi kita, apalagi budaya sex yang bisa terbilang ekstrem di tengah-tengah bangsa yang menjunjung tinggi kesopanan ini. Siapa sih yang tidak tahu kalau bangsa Jepang terkenal sopan? Namun tak sedikit pula yang tahu budaya sex Jepang yang ekstrem.

berikut kisahnya:

1. Di salah satu kuil di Tokyo, ada sebuah gerbang merah yang jadi simbol sakral penduduk disana. Ternyata, di arena setelah kita melewati gerbang merah tersebut adalah area ritual bagi perempuan disana yang ingin melepas keperawanannya.

2. Tahu sinkansen? Di kereta api super cepat ini ternyata tersedia gerbong khusus buat perempuan. Di gerbong ini, perempuan diberikan kebebasan untuk ngapain tanpa harus keganggu ama cowo-cowo yang ada disana. Konon kabarnya cowo Jepang sering ngelakuin tindakan asusila di kereta api. (bahkan beberapa syuting film porno memakai latar belakang kereta api sinkansen sebagai tempatnya.

3. Yang paling menarik!! Di kuil di daerah kawasaki, terdapat sebuah festival yang dirayain ama penduduk disana. Pada festival ini, perayaan dilakukan dengan pengangkatan sebuah patung berbentuk “penis” oleh seluruh warga yang bermukim disana.. How Jerk..!!Pada festival tersebut, dipajang juga meriam-meriam berbentuk penis serta segala aksesoris tentang seks yang dijual oleh pedagang disana. Untungnya, festival tersebut adalah festival ritual kepercayaan Jepang. Ada aturan dan tata krama yang membuat festival tersebut tidak menjadi festival hubungan seks. Entah apa maksud dari festival tersebut??

Memang, seks di Jepang bukanlah hal yang tabu. Kalau kita mengetikkan keyword sex in japan di wikipedia, kita akan menemukan berbagai sejarah aneh tentang seks di jepang. Bagi penduduk di Jepang, perawan ketika malam pertama pernikahan adalah sangat memalukan bagi mereka yang menikah di usia lebih dari 20 tahun. Artinya mereka bener-bener tipe level bawah dalam pergaulan mereka. Hal ini bukan hanya terjadi belakangan, tetapi sudah sejak zaman2 kerajaan Jepang di masa2 lampau. Dahulu semua perempuan diberikan kepada prajurit2 Jepang untuk dijadikan pelampiasan nafsu mereka dan orangtua merekapun rela untuk itu. Jangan heran ketika zaman penjajahan Jepang dulu banyak perempuan Indonesia yang kehilangan keperawanan oleh tentara Jepang.

Selain itu, mereka adalah penyedia house production bokep yang sangat subur di dunia. Ada banyak banget perusahaan penyedia film “terlarang” ini di negeri matahari terbit. Pemerintah Jepang telah melegalkan industri ini sejak tahun 70an. Dahulunya kekaisaran Jepang telah melegalkan pertunjukan teater sex di Jepang. Mungkin ini pertama dan satu-satunya di dunia). Film2 mereka pun terkesan fantastis dan terlalu canggih. Maksudnya, mereka membuat pelm bokep dengan sepenuh hati dan sesempurna mungkin (pelm2 hollywood aja kalah!). Udah gitu mereka juga nyedain gerai-gerai bokep lagi buat segala penikmat bokep Jepang. Disana masyarakat Jepang bisa membeli sex toy, trus video bokep, or ngerental video bokep terang-terangan asal berusia di atas 20 tahun.

Anehnya, meskipun mereka masih tergolong rumpun ras kuning dengan budaya ramahnya, bagi rakyat Jepang keanehan-keanehan itu dianggap wajar.. Mereka tidak risih dengan budaya yang tergolong ekstrim itu. Ntah ampe kapan Jepang bakal terus nunjukin budaya kaya gini… Moga-moga Indonesia bisa mengambil hikmah untuk dari penyimpangan budaya masyarakat Jepang sehingga membuat kita terus mawas atas keanehan yang terjadi di dunia ini.
Saking Legalnya, Iklannya pun sampe super gede

Akses JAV terbesar didunia

Berdasarkan Kotanya


Kiyoshi Sakurazuka, Pria Tercantik Di Dunia (Buktikan Sendiri!!)

Cantik bukan? dia itu Cowok bukan Cewek. namanya Kiyoshi Sakurazuka, seorang cosplayer cowok yang tak pernah memakai pakaian cosplay cowok. dia adalah seorang Crrosdrreser. tapi dia bukan MAHO.

Inilah photo dia sama Ceweknya

Bingung kan mana yang cowok? Kiyoshi sebelah kanan, yang baju hitam

Name: kiyoshi sakurazuka
Real Name :澈樱冢 = Che Ying Zhong (CMIIW)
Birthday : April 4, 1984
Height : 160cm
Weight : 40kg
Blood type : A
Constellation : Aries
Gender : Male
Birthplace : Hunan, China
Graduate : Beijing Institute of Technology

kumpulan fotonya

Lihat Baik-baik Dadanya Kiyoshi Datar, bukan?

pose cowok alias aslinya

kalau begini masih keliatan muka cowonya nggak


Gunakanlah 'Kondom' dan Hindari Mitos Dibawah Ini

Masih banyak orang yang enggan menggunakan kondom karena alasan yang sebenarnya hanyalah mitos. Padahal kondom bisa mencegah penularan penyakit menular seksual (PMS) jika salah satu ada yang tak sehat.

Kondom adalah alat pelindung saat berhubungan seks yang terbuat dari bahan karet seperti lateks atau poliuretan yang salah satu ujungnya terbuka.

Kondom digunakan untuk melindungi orang dari penyakit menular seksual (sexually transmitted disease/STD) seperti AIDS, syphilis dan lainnya. Selain itu juga membantu pasangan untuk menghindari kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan.

Berikut 12 mitos tentang penggunaan kondom:

1. Membeli kondom itu memalukan
Ada beberapa orang yang berpikir seperti itu, membeli kondom adalah hal yang memalukan. Jika Anda malu berkata 'beli kondomnya' kepada penjual, maka Anda dapat membeli kondom di toko swalayan sehingga tak harus malu untuk membelinya.

2. Penularan infeksi atau hamil bisa terjadi bahkan dengan menggunakan kondom
Jika Anda menggunakan kondom dengan benar, maka hal itu dapat meminimalkan risiko tertular penyakit menular seksual atau mencegah kehamilan.

3. Kondom harus dibeli kaum pria
Logikanya memang yang memakailah yang harus membeli. Tapi pada kenyataannya, lebih dari 35 persen konsumen yang membeli kondom adalah wanita.

4. Menggunakan kondom mempengaruhi kenikmatan
Kondom dibuat tipis, elastis dan tahan lama, yang secara praktis tidak menurunkan kenikmatan sama sekali. Selain itu, ada juga kondom yang dilengkapi dengan pelumas terutama dengan bahan dasar air, yang direkomendasikan bagi mereka yang mengalami masalah orgasme.

5. Menggunakan kondom menyakitkan
Hampir semua kondom memiliki silikon atau pelumas berbasis air, yang mencegah rasa sakit saat digunakan. Jika Anda mempunyai pengalaman nyeri saat berhubungan seks, maka Anda seharusnya berkonsultasi dengan dokter untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan seksual, bukan menghubungkan rasa sakit dengan kondom.

6. Seks tanpa kondom lebih sehat karena ada pertukaran hormon
Memang benar, melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kondom dapat mengobati depresi pada wanita. Tapi efek negatif seperti kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, aborsi atau penyakit menular seksual bisa saja terjadi, dan ini bisa berakibat lebih tidak sehat.

7. Pasangan menikah bisa melakukan hubungan seks tanpa kondom
Infeksi virus tidak hanya bisa menular melalui hubungan seks yang bergonta-ganti pasangan, tetapi juga dalam transportasi umum, kolam renang, tempat gym, dan lainnya. Dalam jangka panjang, virus Herpes dapat tiba-tiba 'bangun', yang secara pasif dimiliki oleh hampir setiap organisme.

8. Ada dua ukuran kondom, kecil (Asia) dan besar (negara barat)
Kondom dapat dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok tergantung pada ukuran, yaitu 48-50 mm, 51-53 mm, 54-56 mm. Panjang kondom yang khas adalah 19-20 cm.

9. Canggung memberi tahu pasangan bila akan menggunakan kondom
Banyak orang berpikir bahwa jika mereka meminta pasangan mereka untuk menggunakan kondom, mereka akan tersinggung. Pada kenyataannya, usulan tersebut adalah perawatan ekstra pada kesehatan pasangannya. Selain itu, ajang pemakaian kondom, bisa dijadikan momen khusus yang akan meningkatkan keharmonisan hubungan.

10. Menggunakan kondom lebih baik dilengkapi dengan krim, pelumas atau gel
Hal itu tidak benar. Terlepas dari kenyataan bahwa gel dan krim tertentu dapat menyebabkan gatal-gatal, reaksi alergi atau terbakar, mereka juga mungkin memiliki efek yang dapat merusak lateks dan pelumas kondom.

11. Semua kondom memiliki lubang kecil, sehingga tetap dapat menularkan AIDS
Kondom yang memperoleh izin penjualan harus lulus uji hermiticity dan peradangan, yang membuktikan tidak adanya lubang pada kondom.

12. Kondom mengganggu spontanitas seks
Jika Anda dan pasangan setuju untuk menggunakan kondom sejak awal, maka itu tidak akan mengganggu spontanitas seks Anda.

Unique Record in the World

1. Biggest mouth

Men Austria Marco Hort enter the world record to enter the 259 straws in his mouth at once, more than anyone else in the world.

2. "Snake Manu"

C. Manoharan, 25, known by the name 'Snake Manu', attempt to break the world record by entering a living snake into his nostrils and expel it through the mouth. This is not the first attraction. In 2005, he recorded the world record to the 'caterpillars eat the most in 30 seconds', managed to swallow 200 caterpillar life, each 10 cm long.

3. Largest bikini parade

In early 2010, Tim Gillette Venus was awarded the world record for 'biggest bikini parade' by 323 girl and model in the Castle of Venus in Koto-ku, Japan. These girls paraded with Venus shaver in hand and pose for the camera. In May 2009, a bikini Las Vegas (pictured) led by Playboy star Holly Madison won a record with 281 girls in bikini parade minimal walking together.

4. Longest handshake

Jack Tsonis and Lindsay Morrison (pictured), both aged about 20 years, trying to shake the hands of the longest in September 2009. They managed to break the world record by shaking hands for 12 hours, 34 minutes and 56 seconds. However, Matthew Rosen and Joe Ackerman of the United States beat this record by 15 hours, 30 minutes and 45 seconds in November 2009.

5. Most women with tattoos

Julia Gnuse, from California, preparing to record in 2011 in the Guinness World Records to have the most tattoos than anyone else in the world. At the age of 30s, he suffered from a skin disease called porphyia that makes her skin abrasions. To cover the scars, this 55-year-old woman began to make a tattoo on the infected area. And in fact, 95% of his body is now covered with pictures, ranging from forest scenery and cartoon characters to the actors Bewitched in the buttocks.

6. Most plastic surgery

Rock singer Cindy Jackson now has a record for most plastic surgery. Brazilian model Angela Bismarchi (picture) plastic surgeon who runs the 42 in 2008, bringing it closer to a record 47 by Cindy Jackson's plastic surgeon. Angela's first plastic surgery in 1992 after his chest down after feeding. source

10 Most Fatal Malpractice Medical In World History

According to available data, more than 195,000 Americans died because of malpractice or error doctor of 37 million patient records each year than road traffic accidents of sea and air, AIDS, cancer combined. Here are the top 10 fatal mistakes in medicine:

01. Wrong Sperm In IVF

When Nancy Andrews, of Commack, NY, became pregnant after in vitro fertilization of sperm in fertility clinics New York, she and her husband, who seemed to expect handsome. What they expect is a significant child with dark skin is better than their parents. Following DNA tests suggested doctors at New York Medical Services for Reproductive Medicine, deliberate use of other people sperm to be implanted into an egg cell Nancy Andrews'.

Then the baby was born October 19, 2004, they demanded because of malpractice careless actions of a clinic owner.

02. One Mesh Heart and Lung, So Dead

Jesica Santillan 17 years died 2 weeks after receiving the heart and lungs of patients with blood type that does not fit with him. Doctors at Duke University Medical Center failed to check the compatibility before surgery began. . After the second transplant operation to try to correct the mistake, he suffered brain damage and complications that caused death.

Santillan, a Mexican immigrant, came to the United States three years earlier to seek medical treatment for heart and lungs. Heart & lung transplant lung by surgeons at Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC, is expected to improve this condition, rather than put him in great danger; Santillan, who has blood type O, has received an organ from donor type A.

03. Wrong Testicle Surgery

Another thing is wrong-side surgery, surgeons remove the testicles of healthy wrong right from the Air Force 47 years vetran Benjamin Houghton. Patients who had been complaining of pain and reduced the mentality of the left testicle so doctors decided to schedule surgery to have it removed for fear of cancer. However, what is thrown the healthy testicle, which is on the right, the couple then filed a compensation of Us $ 200,000 for the fatal error

04. Disadvantaged Post-Surgical Metal Inside

Donald Church, 49, has a tumor in the stomach when he arrived at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle in June 2000. When he returned, the tumor was gone but left behind a metal retractor therein. Doctors admit his mistake left along the 13-inch metal retractor in the stomach, Fortunately, surgeons are able to lift retractor soon found, and he did not experience long-term health consequences of these errors. The hospital agreed to pay compensation of U.S. $ 97,000.

05. In fact, I wish Brain surgery Cardiac Surgery

Joan Morris (a pseudonym) is 67 women admitted to the hospital to learn but a fatal mistake, because the patient had taken a wrong which should instead be operated jantungya brain surgery. the patient was on the operating table for an hour. Doctors have made incisions in the chest, artery, flow in a tube and snaked over to the heart (the procedure with the risk of bleeding, infection, heart attack and stroke).

That is when the phone rang and a doctor from another department asked "what are you doing with my patient?" There is nothing wrong with his heart! ". Cardiologist who works in women and even then check the chart, and saw that he had made a great mistake. The study was canceled, and he returned to the room was in stable condition.

06. Brain Operation Up to 3 Times In One Year

For the third time in the same year, doctors at Rhode Island Hospital have operated on one side of the patient's head. The most recent incident occurred Nov 23, 2007. 82-year woman of an operation to stop the bleeding of his brain and skull. A neurosurgeon at the hospital started drilling operated on the right side of the patient's head, although a CT scan showed bleeding on the left, according to local reports. The residents reported an error, after which the closing hole to the left of the patient's head. The patient was in good condition on Sunday.

Echoes of cases from the same mistake last February, where the different are the doctors operated on one side of the patient's head. And last August, a man of 86 years died three weeks after a surgeon at Rhode Island Hospital operated by accident on one side of his head.

07. One Foot Amputation
Maybe this is the most famous case that is the case of faults cutting the feet in Tampa (Florida) on 52-year man Willie King, when the cutting procedure in February 1995. Due to fatal error at the hospital her pull licenses for 6 months and fined U.S. $ 10,000 and pay a U.S. $ 900 000 against Willie King and the latest operations team also pay U.S. $ 250,000 against King.

08. Error Removing Kidney Healthy
Louis Park, Minnesota, patients referred to Hospital Park Nicollet Metodhist because it has a tumor that is believed to be cancer. However, doctors misdiagnose and remove the healthy kidney

"The discovery was made on the next day when checked by a team of pathologists and found no evidence of any crime," said Samuel Carlson, MD and chairman of Park Nicollet Chief Medical Officer. Potentially cancer, kidney remained intact and functioning. For privacy and family request, no details about the patient.

09. Build When surgery
The man from West Virginia was admitted awakened from fainting when the surgery and feeling every incision of the scalpel by a team doctor when operated, causing trauma for two weeks later, Sherman Sizemore then filed a lawsuit to Raleigh General Hospital Beckley, W.Va. , January 19, 2006 for the operation of its investigation and determine the cause he woke up. But at the time of surgery, he reported experiencing a phenomenon known as anesthetic awareness - a state where a surgical patient may feel pain, pressure or discomfort during surgery, but can not move or communicate with the doctor.

The team doctor has been wounded man with 73 years experience awake during surgery but unable to move or scream in pain.

10. Wrong Heart Surgery
Two months after heart bypass surgery twice allegedly to save his life, comedian and former host Saturday Night Live cast member Dana Carvey got news: heart surgeon who had bypassed the wrong artery. It took another emergency operation to remove the blockage that threatens to kill a man 45 years, comedian and father of two children. Demanding U.S. $ 7.5 million Carvey brought the case against the hospital, saying surgeons have made a fatal mistake "It's like the issue the wrong kidney. There was a big mistake, "he told People Magazine

Dari Depan Nampak Istana, Dari Samping Memble (Masuk!)

Dari depan nampak istana megah

Tapi coba lihat dari samping, gigit jari dech...


7 Habits that Could go Senile in Human Beings

Often forget to put the keys or wallet? Or, if you often miss to bring the goods? You can be quite forgetful.

If at a young age you've often forgotten, according to Dr. Peter Rendell of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, chances are you will experience faster forgetfulness.

You need to know, apparently there are some habits that can make the brain work decreases. As a result, worse memory and comprehension was weak. Therefore, avoid the 7 habits that can make quick senile following:

1. Overeat
Too much to eat, let alone a high fat content, can lead to hardening of blood vessels in the brain because of accumulation of fat in the blood vessel wall. As a result the ability of the brain will decrease.

2. Smoke
Inhaled substances in cigarettes would lead to rapid brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

3. Consuming too much sugar
Consumption of too much sugar will cause disruption of the absorption of proteins and nutrients, causing nutritional imbalances that would interfere with brain development.

4. Sleep Deprivation
The brain needs sleep as a time to rest and recover her abilities. Lack of sleep for a long time will accelerate the damage to brain cells.

5. Less stimulate the mind
Thinking is the best way to train our brain. Lack of stimulation in the brain can cause brain mengkerutnya us.

6. Rarely communicates
Communication is needed as one means accelerate the ability of the brain. Communicating intellectually can trigger brain efficiency. Rare intellectual ability to communicate will cause the brain to be less well trained.

7. Think of many things when sick
Working too hard or forced to use when you're sick mind can lead to reduced effectiveness of the brain and can damage the brain.

Top 10 Unique Ability Various Animals

Cats have a mirror-like membrane behind their eyes which enable them to hunt in a very dense darkness. This membrane is called "tapetum lucidum".
This membrane reflect back light after light passes through the retina which provides another opportunity to take a photon of light when light pass again a second time. This gives a very sharp eyesight for a cat.

Many species of birds, especially those who like to migrate, can utilize the earth's magnetic field in order to stay on track / right direction in flight distance.
Scientists are still wondering how they did it, but one recent study says that might have some kind of capabilities that allow them to "see" the earth's magnetic lines as a color or light pattern that covers the sightings in the surrounding area.

Drum Fish
Some types of fish just as the drum fish "hear" use "of water bladders." He detects sound vibrations and linking these vibrations to the inner ear through a set of bones in the middle ear called the "Weberian apparatus."
Hair cells in the inner ear that respond to vibration and sound to the brain information transfer drum fish.


Most mice eyesight is not sharp, but they overcome these shortcomings by grouse at the muzzle. The rat has an long hair which is also called "vibrissae" laykanya cane for the blind.
With their antennae vibrate at the object in front of rats and other rodents mencitra shape and surroundings.


For many moths, the term "love is in the water" or love is in the clouds is something real not just the words of poets.

This soft furry insects could detect "a signal of love" called "pheromones" that emanated from the opposite sex from distances up to 7 miles or approximately 11 kilo meters. Some studies show that humans can also detect "pheromones", but this spertinya still require proof.


When a snake is "stick its-stick its" or stick its tongue "fork" it may seem silly for humans, but in fact it is useless because the snake was actually smell or feel the surroundings. A snake uses his tongue to collect particles floating in the air.
The tongue is coated is then placed into a special hole in the roof of his mouth which is called "Jacobson's organ". There and then the smells of the particles in the insert in the process and translated into electrical signals which are sent to the brain snake so the snake is able to know his surroundings.

Honey-sucking birds

Usual hummingbird sucking honey in flowers while flying capable of adapting to the wavelengths of light beyond human vision.

Birds that look yellow to us often emit light or glow with color that we do not have names for these colors, which is closer to ultra violet light.
Telescopes such as Hubble Space Telescope to make the image with ultraviolet and then given a color by his scientists so that we can enjoy the pictures.


Temperature sensitive organ located between the eyes and nostrils venomous snakes make snake can detect the body heat of their prey.

The organ is situated on each side of the head of the snake, so these animals can be watched carefully and then launched a deadly attack in spite of the darkness.


Do not ever try to play hide and seek with a huge shark because you'll likely lose. Sharks have special cells in the brain are very sensitive to electric fields contained in the body of another creature.

Such a capability is very powerful in several types of sharks until they can find fish hiding under sand by the electrical signals emitted by moving their veins.


Bats avoid obstacles by emitting ultrasonic nudge and translate reflections caused by ultrasonic waves after bouncing off surrounding objects. This biological sonar, called "echolocation" is also in use by the dolphins to swim in the sea kadalaman the dark.